Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ice Caves


  1. The traipsing in and around these ice caves was truly amazing! We can upload more of these pictures if anyone wants to see more. We ended up rock climbing for at least 2 hours because the way back to the trailhead all looked identical. Night-time also fell on us as we were a 4 mile hike from our bikes. It was an adventure though!

    Regarding the person who fell off their bike...that was CLEARLY me! Backstory: As we were cycling back from the ice caves to the house we were staying at, there was a mile stretch of road that has that wierd absrasive texture which is the norm before they lay down the final coat of asphalt. I didn't see the 6 inch lip that separated the road from the shoulder as I attempted to get on it. I fell sideways onto my hands and hip going 20mph. I quickly manuevered myself onto my back so that took the last 80% of my slide. It was actually pretty fun, and I layed on the shoulder/road for a minute to let it all soak in. The kicker: I wasn't wearing my helmet (I had been 99% of the time prior to.)

    P.S. Im Okay. Just have some bits of road in my forearm which I will probably keep for life, haha.

  2. P.S.S. The bike is also fine! The saddlebags and milk crate took most of the abuse!

  3. thank goodness for milkcrates, haha

  4. Amazing photos. Stay safe. Jim and Carolyn Brothers

  5. Mr. and Mrs. Brothers!!!

    I don't know if it's like hiking the Appalachian Trail, but we're hurting. I tell Jim's story often about how he broke his leg, but once it healed, he got right back into it. You two are a part of the inspiration for this trip.

    Thank you for following!

  6. AHHH! THESE ICECAVES AARE INSANE!!!! Another destination to put on the list. =) I bet you guys are still sitting in the Horseshoe... hope you are enjoying this Bellingham sunshine. woop
